If you are in college you should start your own business because there is no better time to do so.
When I was in college working on thecampusatlas.com I remember thinking how great it was to have the flexibility of a student and to have the resources of a college university in order to get things done. I was surrounded by exceptionally bright people from all different backgrounds and areas of expertise who were willing to provide guidance.
A friend of mine recently had success with his college endeavor and conveys a similar thought in a recent article called Deconstructing Invite Media’s success story :
“There is no better time to start a company than when you’re in school,” he said.
After all, college students don’t require a lot of money, their housing often is paid for, and their peers often are willing to hustle at all hours to meet deadlines. “You can’t beat that when you need to have your attention focused on the company,” he wrote in an e-mailed response to a question.
Furthermore, academic institutions have the resources to educate entrepreneurs on any single area of a business or topic and by leveraging the various academic resources to build your business, you actually obtain a wider knowledge base of information then originally intended.
As a student, you have the ability to build your own business in a safe, low-cost, resource-rich environment and if it doesn’t work out you still hedged your bet because you’ll most likely graduate with a degree.
Related articles
- Deconstructing Invite Media’s success story (philly.com)
4 thoughts on “Start a Business in School”
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Dan, I couldn’t agree with you more. College is a great time not only b/c of the free time during school, but also because most college aged students don’t have families, mortgages, and big car payments which could stop someone from starting a business. It’s an ideal time.
Dan, I couldn’t agree with you more. College is a great time not only b/c of the free time during school, but also because most college aged students don’t have families, mortgages, and big car payments which could stop someone from starting a business. It’s an ideal time.
I just don’t understand why more schools don’t advocate this type of
thinking. It’s like they are still cranking out workers for the 9-5
factory-esque jobs when they should be encouraging innovation and risk
taking (even though their isn’t much risk when your in school).