Tomorrow Will Be Better – Vote

On November 11th, 1947, on the heels of World War II, after the fabrics of government and society were torn to shreds in Europe, Winston S Churchill went on to say this:

‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’

Today is election day. As we know, things are far from perfect.

This can be said about most anything.

Our work and Business, our relationships, our finances, our health.

We all want to do better. We all strive for more.

Today, we have the fortunate opportunity to do more for the country that we live in. We are able to make our voices heard, and counted.

We get to vote, and decide who will represent us and help shape our country and the world for a better version of itself.

And in that effort or any effort to grow and improve, there will be pain, there will be stress, there will be disagreements, there will be failure.

Whatever happens today or this week, it’s important to remember that this perfect union called America is far from perfect, and frankly, it will never be. But as long as we keep putting in the work in our own way like voting, by creating new jobs and opportunities, by making our voices heard, by being decent, by being honest, by doing the right thing, and anything else that perpetuates ‘good’ and the values we hope to live by, we should rest assured that things will indeed get better, as tough as they may seem in the moment.

As a comparison, remember that just years ago the world was in a much worse place compared to today.

  • Political grievances were settled with gun duels
  • Mothers and fathers were sending their 18 year olds off to the beaches of Normandy
  • The average life expectancy from 1500s to 1800s was between ages 30 and 40 years old
  • Poverty, hunger and child labor are at the lowest levels they’ve ever been
  • Child mortality is the lowest it’s ever been
  • Homicide rates are the lowest they’ve ever been
  • More people in the world live in a democracy than ever before
  • The literacy rate in the world is the highest its ever been
  • Moore’s law, which describes the empirical regularity that the number of transistors on integrated circuits double every two years, is still tracking since inception in 1971
  • Access to the internet is increasing
  • Solar energy is the cheapest its ever been

By mostly all accounts, the world is in a much better place than it has ever been and I take solace in this fact.

But I also recognize that we must continue to play a role to maintain this forward progress.

So today, please take the time to vote and reflect on what more you can do, regardless of the outcome.

Whatever happens, I’m still the most optimistic I’ve ever been about what’s ahead.

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