How I Start My Day

Every morning I use a basic journaling routine to start my day.

When I fire up my computer, the first thing I do is open my note-taking tool and copy/paste in my daily template.

That template looks like this:


Today’s Date – November 30th, 2021


  1. The first thing I’m grateful for today. This could be something small like..
  2. I’m grateful for this hot cup of coffee to start my day, or something bigger like..
  3. I’m grateful to be able to celebrate the holidays in-person with my friends and family after a lousy year with Covid-19. It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small. This routine just helps to build the gratitude muscle and grounds myself with positivity and healthy perspective to start the day.

To Do List

  • What’s the next action I need to do? I update that here
  • and here
  • and here
  • and sometimes, it adds to the to-do list from days before and reminds me that I need to get focused and burn down my to-do list. Sometimes I also realize I had to-dos that weren’t in fact important or just resolved themselves on their own.

Idea Of The Day

  • Is there any stroke of genius or ridiculous idea I want to write down and revisit later? If so, I’ll jot it down here.
  • Or maybe it’s some quote I heard or read, that just seems like a great idea to ponder and think about.


  • Throughout the day, I’ll just log my notes in this section. If I have a call, I’ll add a bullet point like…
  • Call with Batman to discuss the new Gotham City Building
    • And then I’ll add notes about that call here


I use Roam Research and templates to make it easy to link and group ideas together over time, but really any note-taking tool should work here. You can see a snapshot of that below. Another new one to look at is called Reflect App.

I’ve found this to be a pretty simple and effective way to start my day.