I’m in the process of redesigning this site so that it works more seamlessly with mobile devices. In a few short years, I think we’ll see that all web applications will be natively designed for a mobile experience. I think we’ll see that the way we interact with our phones and iPads will be the same way we interact with our desktop computers or laptops. The screens and inputs will be different but the experience will be the same.
Therefore, I needed to make my site mobile friendly and as always I figured I’d learn a thing or two along the way.
To do this, I downloaded a new responsive wordpress theme from themeforest.net called “Reaction WP: Responsive, Rugged, Bold.” You can get it here. I used the admin interface and firebug to make some styling adjustments and also had to make some hard code changes to the php files.
I’m not completely satisfied with the final product but that’s part of the learning process. It will get better as I figure out how to use some of the newer solutions out there. For now, at least the site can work a little better with my phone and with yours.